Health Check
The S.A.A and Health check includes:
System Compliance
To ensure MCS (Micro Certification Scheme) compliance to ensure maximum FIT returns and includes a review of the FIT documentation and tariff.
Performance Analysis
To ensure your System is performing in accordance with Manufacturers guidelines.
Cable Checks
For any damage to ensure in satisfactory working order. Including DC check to ensure non slippage of fastenings and all necessary labelling is MCS compliant. AC check to ensure earth conductor at constant as well as other conductors. Insulation check for resistance purposes. AC and DC isolation checks.
Current and Voltage Checks
Testing of arrays, strings junction boxes, isolators, cabling and distribution boards to ensure compliance with Manufacturers guidelines and National Irradiation records.
Inverter Readings
To ensure readouts are correctly calibrated and recorded and electrical testing and review of any past or current error messages. Recording of any issues or required adjustments.
Physical Inspection
Visual inspection to check for any evidence of degradation and ensure no movement in the mounting structure. Visual inspection of panels and general roof condition.
Health Check Service Certificate dated stamped and issued and recorded to form System Service History.