Self-Consumption Solar Photovoltaic Systems
The self-consumption of solar energy refers to the proportion of energy which is used directly in the building where a PV system is located. When a photovoltaic array on a building produces electricity and this electricity is used to power a washing machine, for example, this is referred to as self-consumption. It’s important that the electricity needed for internal use is neither fed into nor drawn from the public grid.
Self-consumption pays of twice! First of all, the amount of energy consumed is subsidized by the state. And secondly, using energy that you have generated yourself reduces the amount of energy that you need to purchase from your power company.
Daily energy consumption
♦ If the battery is discharged before sunrise, energy is drawn from the grid.
♦ At sunrise, consumption switches to self-generated solar energy.
♦ Once enough solar energy has been produced for domestic use, the PowerRouter starts charging the battery simultaneously.
♦ If clouds block the sun and there is no longer enough solar energy for the consumers in the home, the PowerRouter immediately draws extra power from the battery.
♦ When the sky clears, the battery is charged using the surplus solar energy.
♦ As soon as the battery is fully-charged, the additional solar energy is fed into the grid and earns you money.
♦ When the sun goes down, the PowerRouter supplies the consumers in the home with stored energy from the battery.