Wales Weather


On average, our 3 Installations near Cardiff are rated: 1 2 3 4 5 (4.42/5)



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posted in Cardiff

07 Aug

Cardiff (CF14)

Repair/Maintenance of Solar PV System

Clean panels 16 panels., check fixings and maintain. Work required to be don within 3 months or sooner. Contact: evenings.

19 Apr

Cardiff (CF5)

Repair/Maintenance of Solar HW System

Maintenance of a Solar Thermal system: We had a hot water system installed 6/7 years ago and I believe it needs a service and the fluid replaced etc as it is(...)

26 Nov

Cardiff (CF5)

Repair/Maintenance of Solar HW System

Our system was installed 5 years ago and needs a service as the pressure seems to have reduced and one of the tubes looks suspect?

25 Nov

Cardiff (CF24)

New Solar PV Installation

Solar PV. South-west facing pitched and tiled roof. 3-4 kW. 2 x Velux windows. Timescale 1 month. Contact anytime.

01 Feb

Cardiff (CF14)

Repair/Maintenance of Solar PV System

Maintenance of a Solar PV system

25 Oct

Cardiff (CF23)

New Solar PV Installation

Roof is facing South/West. Pitched, slated roof. no obstructions or windows. Open to suggestions on size of system. Install within 6 months Also wants Battery(...)

26 Apr

Cardiff (CF23)

New Solar PV Installation

Solar PV. South facing roof, pitched and tiled. No shading and has a velux window. Size system - open to advise. Work timescale ASAP. Contact anytime.

07 Mar

Cardiff (CF5)

Repair/Maintenance of Solar PV System

Please could you provide a quote to undertaken the following works. We had 11 solar panels installed on our room approximately 9 years ago. They have been(...)

30 Sep

Cardiff (CF24)

New Solar Thermal Installation

Installing a solar thermal system, all components included.

24 Sep

Cardiff (CF15)

New Solar PV Installation

Solar PV. Roof: South/West facing. Pitched and slate. Slight shading from a tree. No windows on roof. Not sure on size . Install within 1 month. Contact(...)

10 Jun

Cardiff (CF3)

New Solar PV Installation

Solar PV . Roof: north/west facing. Pitch and tiled. No shading . No windows on roof . 15 panels 3.5 kw. Install ASAP. Contact: anytime Appointments: anytime

09 May

Cardiff (CF23)

New Solar PV Installation

Roof faces (converted garage) south facing, no shading, no windows. Open to advice of system size. Insulated and double. Install: within 6 months(...)

27 Apr

Cardiff (CF15)

Repair/Maintenance of Solar HW System

Refilling and leak detection & fixing of solar heating system

21 Apr

Cardiff (CF14)

New Solar PV Installation

Roof faces south, pitched and tiled, no windows, no shading, insulated and double glazed. Install: within 3 months, Contact: evenings

12 Nov

Cardiff (CF15)

New Solar PV Installation

South facing roof. Pitched & tiled. No shading. No windows. Open to suggestions regarding system size. Install ASAP. Contact anytime

06 Nov

Cardiff (CF23)

New Solar PV Installation

South facing roof. Pitched and tiled. No shading. No windows. 4kw Hybrid thin film system required. Install ASAP. Contact anytime.

31 Oct

Cardiff (CF15)

New Solar PV Installation

Two roof facing south. Roof is angled. Roof is tiled no shading. Size system 4KWH. Timescale: ASAP.

03 Oct

Cardiff (CF5)

New Solar PV Installation

Roof south facing - 20%. Tiles pitched. no shading. 14 high quality solar with appropriate micro inverters Contact anytime. Appointments flexible.

19 Sep

Cardiff (CF5)

New Solar PV Installation

Rear south facing roof. Pitched and tiled, no shading or windows. Install within 1 month. Contact anytime. Appointments anytime.

20 Aug

Cardiff (CF11)

New Solar PV Installation

Solar PV . Roof: south/west facing. Pitch and tiled. No shading . No windows on roof . 12 panel system . Install 1 month. Contact: Evening. Appointments:(...)

12 Sep

Cardiff (CF14)

New Solar Thermal Installation

I want details and a price from MCS registered contractors for installing solar hot water panels. We\'re planning to change our cylinder in the next few months(...)

07 Sep

Cardiff (CF23)

New Solar Thermal Installation

Two coil cylinder installed already. Quote for panel installation and commissioning required.

31 Aug

Cardiff (CF24)

New Solar PV Installation

South facing, pitched, slated roof. No shading on roof. Had no quotes as of yet. Open to suggestions onh system size. Would like the work to be done within 3(...)

15 Aug

Cardiff (CF15)

New Solar PV Installation

4 bed detached. Roof: front is south. Pitched and tiled. No windows. Call anytime. Install within 6 months. Appointments: anytime

19 Mar

Cardiff (CF3)

New Solar PV Installation

Solar PV. Roof: South facing. Pitched and tiled. No shading. 3 dorma windows on the roof. Not Sure of the size of the system. Install ASAP. Contact anytime.(...)

14 Mar

Cardiff (CF14)

New Solar PV Installation

4k array on a SE facing tiled, pitched roof, to include immersion heating for hot water. No windows. No shading. Timescale: ASAP. Contact anytime. Appointments(...)

09 Mar

Cardiff (CF3)

New Solar PV Installation

Solar PV. East, west facing roof, pitched and tiled. No shading and no windows. Work timescale within 3 months. Appointments: weekends. Call in the mornings

22 Feb

Cardiff (CF14)

New Solar Thermal Installation

Looking to have solar water heating installed at the same time as the roof is re-slated. End of terrace property with NE, SW and Lower S roof\'s.

24 Oct

Cardiff (CF5)

New Solar PV Installation

South facing roof, pitched, tiled roof. No shading on roof. Had no quotes as of yet. Open to suggestions on system size. detached bungalow. Would like gthe work(...)

26 Sep

Cardiff (CF23)

New Solar PV Installation

Solar PV. rear faces south west and front south east, pitched and tiled. No shading and no windows. Has had no quotes. Work timescale within 3 months.(...)

1 2 3 4 5
Solar Panels Wales
5.0 (1) • Solar energy equipment supplier
Solar Panels Wales
5.0 (1) • Solar energy equipment supplier
Cardiff • 0800 023 8977
Solar Panels Wales
5.0 (1) • Solar energy equipment supplier
Cardiff • 0800 023 8977
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